Manager, Advertising and Promotion/Webmaster
November 1999 to September 2000
Oversaw Advertising and Promotion
Division (staffed by public/media relations professionals and graphic
designers) of Sales and Marketing Department for $300 million
telecommunications company. Interfaced with Business Development and
Sales Divisions to develop strategic/tactical marketing and
public/media-relations plans. Developed tools to implement marketing
plans, sales incentives for distribution network and increase sales
resulting in
- Quadrupled sales volume
- Twice named to Utah 100 for overall growth (1999, 2000)
- Twice named to Utah 100 for revenue growth (1999, 2000)
- Received Entrepreneur of the Year award (2000)
Oversaw community relations plans and industry trade show
participation. Managed $500,000 advertising and promotion budget. Wrote,
edited and laid out marketing materials, print ads, press releases,
magazine articles, technical materials and external newsletters (for
network of more than 2,500 distributors nationwide). Wrote TV/radio ad
copy and proposals in response to RFPs. Researched, implemented and
maintained fax broadcasting system for distribution network. Interfaced
with trade press to negotiate advertising contracts and act as company
spokesman. Interfaced with outside vendors. Maintained and designed
corporate Worldwide Web site (www.jds-inc.com). Designed logos and
graphics. Oversaw development of corporate marketing video and
orientation video for Human Resources Department.
Marketing Communications Specialist/Webmaster
October 1999 to November 1999
Wrote, edited and laid out marketing materials, print ads, press
releases, magazine articles and external newsletters (for network of
over 2,500 distributors nationwide). Designed corporate Worldwide Web
site. Maintained corporate Worldwide Web site. Designed and implemented
e-commerce Web site. Performed strategic/tactical marketing and
public-relations planning and implementation. Developed JDS Style
Guide of standards for all corporate communication. Performed media
relations with trade press and local media. Designed logos and graphics.