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Safe Harbor Films, LLC

February 2022 to Present


COO/CFO, Vice President of Marketing, Producing Partner, Screenwriter


Oversee development and implementation of all tactical and strategic marketing objectives for movie and television production company, including developing policies and procedures, tools to implement marketing plans, development and production of merchandise. Participate in all aspects of business and production, including raising funding, hiring and training key personnel, contracting and arranging for distributors. Participate in management and control of company affairs, including management of the business, division of profits, and disposition of shares. Responsible for researching storylines, developing narratives, and writing screenplays, novelizations, and role-playing games.


You are welcome to see what Kilpack Enterprises has accomplished to determine if that experience and expertise is a good fit for you in your professional endeavors.  To request additional information about availability, contact Kilpack Enterprises.



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Kilpack Enterprises • P.O. Box 1418 • West Jordan, UT 84084